
Benzing Australia


Colin Walker






JACK MOODY TROPHY - PRESENTED TO THE WINNER OF THE OLD BIRD AGGREGATE:  Since its inception in 1994, it has been presented to the Combined Aggregate Winner but as the Federation no longer conducts Young Bird Races, it is now presented to the Old Bird Aggregate Winner. The trophy was donated to the VHA by the late Keith Saggers. Jack Moody joined the Elsternwick Club in 1942 and flew with that club until 1948. When he married, he had a twenty -two year break from the racing side of the sport and re-commenced racing pigeons in 1971. In the period he was not actually racing pigeons he remained deeply involved with the VHA. He held the position of VHA Auditor from 1945 to 1963, VHA Assistant Secretary from 1957 to 1963, Treasurer from 1970 to 1980 and President from 1981 to 1991. 


2019 Vella A & M - Knox
2018 Vella A & M - Knox
2017 A. Spiliopoulos & Son - Notting Hill
2016 D.Wetering & Son - Pathfinder
2015 Van Beers & Barlow - Notting Hill
2014 D. Wetering & Son - Pathfinder
2013 Van Beers & Barlow - Notting Hill
2012 A. Vella - Knox
2011 No Result - PMV Year
2010 J. & L Shore- Knox
2009 D. Wetering & Son - Pathfinder
2008 D.Wetering & Sons - Pathfinder
2007 A. Spiliopoulos & Sons - United
2006 J. Stanley - Casey
2005 Van Beers & Barlow - South Eastern
2004 K. Saggers - South Eastern
2003 Van Beers, Barlow & Harrison - South Easatern
2002 K.Saggers - South Eastern
2001 J. Stanley - Casey
2000 Van Beers & Barlow - Cranbourne
1999 A, Spiliopoulos & Sons - Box Hill
1998 K. Saggers - Cranbourne
1997 S. Lucas - Berwick
1996 C & T. Mazurkiewicz - Bayswater & Nunawading
1995 C. Walker - Knox
1994 K. Saggers - Cranbourne


Meadow One Loft Race 2020



Meadow Pigeon Stud





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