
Benzing Australia


Colin Walker






Welcome to the Victorian Homing Association 


  • The Victorian Homing Association (VHA) was the first racing pigeon organisation established in Victoria. It is committed to the welfare, breeding and racing of pigeons and all members are required to comply with the Victorian Code of Practice for Keeping and Racing Pigeons. This Code of Practice is available on the Victorian Racing Pigeon Body (VRPB) website.
  • The VHA is run by an executive which includes the President, Secretary and Treasurer who act on behalf of the members under its rules and regulations within its constitution.
  • They hold monthly meetings where both the executives and delegates vote on all financial expenditure, determine the line of flight for future races and any other matters brought to them for consideration.
  • So, if you are interested in finding out more about the greatest backyard sport in the world or want to become a member, we would love to get you started.?
  • Please contact the VHA Secretary Steve Brown on 0402 381 490 or alternatively you can email stevebrown9@bigpond.com if you want to make an enquiry.

Latest News

Congratulations to Dr. Colin Walker on being awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2025.
Colin Walker was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in 2025 for his 'service to avian veterinary science and to pigeon racing'. He has been racing pigeons since 1969.
Dr. Walker has worked as an avian veterinarian to assist the CCEAD (Consultative Committee of Emergency Animal Disease) to develop an effective PMV Vaccination protocol and with Agribio the diagnostic arm of the DPI to identify a new disease namely rota  virus. He has also shared his professional expertise at international conferences, published four books, contributed to journals and research, and held the position of Honorary Veterinarian for the Victorian Homing Association (VHA) for over 30 years and more recently with the Victorian Pigeon Racing Pigeon Body (VRPB).

When interviewed on Australian national television Colin said  “I feel honoured, thrilled but a little bit shocked because really what I’ve been doing is just living my life as a veterinarian. So I am a little bit surprised that people think that what I’ve done during that time, warrants this award. I am very grateful.” 

Upcoming Events
  2. Godfrey Stevens Sale on Sunday 16th February 2025 at the Notting Hill Centre starts at 12 noon


  1. A once in a lifetime opportunity to purchase birds from this outstanding family of long distance pigeons of the late Godfrey Stevens, developed over 65 years of continuous flying in the Victorian Homing Association. Interested flyers unable to attend must organise someone to purchase birds and arrange transport. Cash and EFT will be available. Full pedigrees on Pens.
  3. Godfrey Stevens Auction_.pdf

Due to illness Noel Podesta is  having a complete disposal sale on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at the VHA Rooms


VIEWING 11-00 AM SALE BEGINS 12-30 PM EFTPOS AVAILABLE BAR FACILITIES Enquiries – Steve Brown 0402 381 490 stevebrown9@bigpond.com


Approximately 100 birds will be on sale without pedigrees as this is no longer possible. More than 50 years of breeding has gone into this family of birds so for the beginner, or flyer struggling for that elusive winner this sale is a must. All you need is a keen eye for a pigeon.





For the latest news about the activities visit the 

Victorian Racing Pigeon Body 


VRPB Code of Practice



VHA Videos


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Meadow One Loft Race 2020



Meadow Pigeon Stud






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